Saturday, February 12, 2011

Here's what I ate for lunch today! Vegan food is fuuuun.


Some of you may know, I have a gluten/flour allergy and I have been trying to stop eating it. I've known for about three years that I have this allergy, but like most people I ignore it. Not no more! I have a weird obsession with carbohydrates and I've ditched them for a few months. Well, almost all of them. The carbohydrates i've been consuming are the A-OKAY one's! 

Natural carbohydrates can do a body good but if you have a gluten allergy, you know that it can really mess up your system. If you have Celiac's disease (gluten, wheat allergy) you know that it can mess up your mood, your appetite, your weight loss, or can even cause weight gain RAPIDLY without you realizing it! You could be on a diet of just green beans and soy protein and then occasionally have a veggie burger with wheat in it and it'll be as if you ate 10 loaf's of bread every day. YES, That is true!

 I wanted to share this picture because this is usually what i've been eating for lunch almost everyday. I sometimes don't eat it everyday because I run out of the veggie burgers I use or the tomatoes are 100% ripe OR I'll use different vegetables. These one's are called "Asian Medley" by SteamFresh. They are vegan! They taste phenomenal. I usually just steam them in the microwave. If I'm having green beans or something, i'll fry it in a pan with olive oil, garlic powder and curry powder. Yum. 
Here's what I ate! (I cook this quite often)


Dr. Praeger's veggie burgers! This is the one I used. California Veggie Burgers. They are so kick-ass.

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Here's a link to Dr. Praeger's veggie products!
(Not everything by this company is vegan, but this product is!) It's always vegetarian but not always vegan! Keep that in mind! 

The ingredients are listed in the center of the page next to the picture.
I eat this veggie burger with NO BUN! You can find a gluten free/wheat free bun, no problem! However, for me I am trying my hardest to consume the least amount of it possible.... :(

Plus I put shredded avocado on top of the veggie burger for of course the flavor but also for the good healthy fats that are naturally from an avocado. The antioxidants in them are crazy insane awesome as well!

Next, I use either sugar plum tomatoes OR cherry tomatoes. I eat it raw!
You can cook it with some green beans and it will taste fabulous.

I also use mediterranean hummus! Only if I have some on hand. If you don't just use briana's poppyseed dressing! It's vegan! 
I get the hummus from Trader Joes! It's a Trader Joes product. :D

Here's a picture of Brianna's dressing! Not all over Brianna's dressings are completely vegan but this one is! Watch the intake on this stuff! It can be quite addicting.

 Here's a link to the website
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That's just my simple little lunch I've been eating everyday. If I was cooking according to my usual diet in which I consume gluten, flour and wheat, I would post my normal food, Which I will post very soon!!!
Hope you liked this!

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